Sunday 5 June 2016

Sunday Crush Series: Beauty Tools


Hello People!
Welcome to the second volume of my Sunday Crush Series. If you don't about this series, then let me tell you I started this series on my blog last sunday where I share all my current obsessions/Wishlists related to fashion and beauty. Also checkout the first vol. Sunday Crush Series: Pink Love

Being a beauty fanatic, I keep a check on new innovations and things coming up in beauty industry. During past few years, there has been a huge revolution in beauty industry and we could see many companies coming out with new and innovative beauty tools. So being a beauty fanatic, I want to try all these tools and have prepared my wishlist:

1.) 5 in 1 Beauty Massager: All the beautyholics are aware with clarisonc brush and how it has gained popularity worldwide. But as it is so expensive, it's a big risk t buy it, because you never know whether it will work for you or not. So here is a solution. This 5 in 1 beauty massager comes at a dirt cheap price and has been selling like hot cakes on all the shopping websites and I also want to get my hands on it ASAP. It comes with 5 different attachments which are made for different purpose. Once I get it, I'll definitely do a full review of this on my blog. The only thing which I'm confused about is from which seller I should buy it. As this is a chinese product and all these products come in three different qualities and they look exactly same. So you can't tell the difference. So if you have bought it and find it to be good, then do let me know from where have you bought it.

2.) Electronic Face Massager: I had seen this product on HomeShop18 a few days ago. This is an advanced version of 5 in 1 beauty massager. It works on two different modes by emitting positive and negative ions. One mode is for cleansing purpose and another one is for massaging creams and lotions on skin (absorption). It claims to penetrates 5 layers deep in skin. I'll have to give this a try a to see how it works.

3.) Konjac Sponge: Although these sponges have been around since a long time, but since they were not available in India, I couldn't try them But finally the cheaper version of these are now available here. I don't know how much it is different from the original versions and which version is actually the best( Because there are so many brands making these sponges), I definitely want to try one of these and see how they work.

4.) Face Roller Massager: These Y shaped face roller massager are specially very popular in Asian countries. These are used for massaging face in upward direction for facial lifting and better blood circulation. I have recently seen these on many Indian shopping websites and I'm going to try one of these to see if they actually work or not.

5.) Oval Makeup Brush Set: These new kind of makeup brushes have become a rage in beauty world. They are suppose to give a flawless base and airbrushed look. I will definitely give these a try soon and see how they work.

So, What are favourite beauty tools?? Do let me know If you have tried any of these and how they haveworked for you...I would love to hear from you....
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